Keeping Your Home Clean and Pet-Friendly ~ Noble Woof tip Featured on

Keeping Your Home Clean and Pet-Friendly: A Comprehensive Guide for Pet Owners

Published on August 1, 2023

by Lexi Klinkenberg

Excerpt from article:

Pets bring joy, love, and companionship into our lives, but they also come with a unique set of challenges when it comes to keeping our homes clean and tidy. From shedding fur to tracking in dirt, pet-related messes can sometimes feel overwhelming. Whether you own a home in a wetter climate like Seattle, WA or an apartment in sunny Scottsdale, AZ, with the right strategies and a little extra effort, you can maintain a clean and pet-friendly place. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore effective cleaning techniques, practical tips, and useful products to help you keep your home spotless while enjoying the company of your furry friends.

1. Establish a regular cleaning routine

Maintaining a clean home starts with establishing a consistent cleaning routine. Create a schedule that includes daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. Daily tasks may include sweeping or vacuuming pet hair, wiping down surfaces, and cleaning litter boxes or pet bedding. Weekly tasks can involve mopping floors, washing pet toys, and sanitizing food and water bowls. Monthly tasks should cover more extensive cleaning, such as deep-cleaning carpets and upholstery or washing curtains and pet bedding.

Coach Jackson Poling of Noble Woof Dog Training recommends habit stacking. Habit stacking is when we are able to make it easy to follow “guidelines” for ourselves to stay on top of important daily tasks. Some examples include pairing a certain training exercise with a day of the week, or a specific daily event. For example, always following feeding time with wiping the counter down, or always mopping the floor after the dogs have been bathed so it stays cleaner longer.

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