Proofing a Cue To Fluency

Building Behavior to Fluency

What is a fluent behavior?

Whole Dog Journal describes fluent behavior as "Fluency means the dog performs the desired behavior correctly, smoothly, and without hesitation."

Six aspects of fluent behaviors: 

Fluency in dog training
  • Latency: How long it takes for the learner to initiate a response to the cue

  • Speed: How quickly the behavior is performed

  • Precision: How precise is the form of the behavior? 

  • Distraction: Can it be performed regardless of environment distraction?

  • Distance: Can it be performed from a distance?

  • Duration: Can it be performed for the desired duration?

Using a "place" mat settling behavior (dog goes to his mat and lies down until release) as an example, the components of fluency might be as follows.


One person’s criteria for each aspect of fluency might be different from someone else's criteria. The key is to be specific and consistent. The criteria are totally customizable to meet you or your dog’s needs. 

Combining Elements

It is recommended to work on only one component of fluency at a time until your dog has achieved success at each stage. Master each component individually, then come back and start pairing them together.


This free blog took anywhere from 2-10 hours hours to write not including all the existing video and graphics. Graphics and video can take anywhere from 2-10 hours hours to create each. If you found this free content helpful, please consider leaving us a tip to keep programming like this coming!

Brie Blakeman